Friday, April 30, 2010

Rush Limbaugh recommends Anna Little

From Rush Limbaugh's Facebook page:
Let's profile another conservative candidate! Check out Anna Little, a great candidate running for Congress in the 6th district in New Jersey! Her facebook page is here, go become a fan:
She seems to have a great platform, and we want to see her elected in November!

That's quite an endorsement for the candidate who can finally unseat Frank Pallone!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Anna Little on Immigration and the Arizona Governor

Highlands, NJ– Mayor Anna Little announced her support for Gov. Jan Brewer’s bold position on immigration in Arizona. She stands with the Governor and people of Arizona who declare that the federal government has failed to protect them from criminals coming into this country illegally.

“Section 287g of the Immigration and Nationality Act is evidence of the intention of the federal government to delegate responsibility to state and local officials for enforcement of immigration law. The Arizona state legislature merely followed the suggestion of the federal government in passing their own state legislation similar to provisions of 287g to assist in immigration enforcement,” said Mayor Little, who is an immigration attorney.

The March 27 shooting death of rancher Rob Krentz on his property in southeastern Arizona demonstrates that not all individuals who cross the border illegally are interested in becoming productive residents. This incident proves that there are violent criminals coming across our borders illegally.

Under Arizona's new law, immigrants unable to produce documents showing they are allowed to be in the country could be arrested and jailed for up to six months as well as fined $2,500. Arizona law enforcement officers could arrest people found to be undocumented and turn them over to federal immigration officers. This procedure is very similar to what section 287g of the Immigration and Nationality Act already permits.

Yuk Wong, a citizen of Hong Kong, residing legally in Hazlet says “I’m a minority and I don’t mind to show police my identification if it means that I will be safer, and my tax money won’t go to provide benefits for people who should not be here. I believe that everyone should go through the process of legal immigration. It cost me a lot of money and took many years to get my permanent residence status. Why should people come here illegally and get treated better than me? I love this country, and I respect its laws. I question whether people coming to this country illegally care about this country, because they obviously don’t respect its laws.”

Mayor Little stated, “A civilized society can live by only one rule of law, the written law. It is time the United States conformed government practice to the written law in immigration enforcement. Illegal immigration must be eradicated, and lawful immigration practices must be upheld as the only means of entry to the United States.”

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Primary Lineups

Now that the petition deadline has passed, here are the candidates in some of the local NJ Congressional districts (with the counties where most of the votes are coming from). I included the number of signatures on their petitions which, while not very relevant, are good for bragging rights. I also marked REP or DEM the official establishment picks, and mentioned the slogan for their primary contenders.

CD-6 (Middlesex, Monmouth)
Diane Gooch (355) - REP
Anna C. Little (402) - Republican Tea Party Approved
Frank Pallone Jr (447) - incumbent DEM
Mark A. Falzon (239) - Democrat Tea Party Approved

CD-12 (Monmouth, Middlesex, Mercer)
Scott Sipprelle (504) - REP
David Corsi (280) - Republican Tea Party Approved
Rush Holt (798) - incumbent DEM

CD-3 (Ocean, Burlington)
Jon Runyan (639) - REP
Justin Michael Murphy (413) - Traditional Republicans
John Adler (722) - incumbent DEM
Barry D. Bendar (319) - Progressive Democrat

CD-4 (Monmouth, Ocean, Burlington, Mercer)
Christopher H. Smith (720) - incumbent REP
Alan Bateman (395) - Tea Party Republican Putting Taxpayers First
Howard Kleinhendler (332) - DEM

Monday, April 12, 2010

6th District Petition Deadline News

On the day that petitions are due in New Jersey, we have two news in the 6th District, currently held by Frank Pallone:

On the Republican side, Shannon Wright suspended her campaign. She also endorsed the establishment pick Diane Gooch in the primary. This may come as a surprise, as Shannon previously seemed to lean towards a tea party platform.

On the Democrat side, Frank Pallone got a last minute challenger in Middletown's own Mark Falzon. For people who know Mark, this is an even bigger surprise. We'll have more details very soon, but Mark will test the appeal of tea party democrats. A well-known tea party leader, Mark Falzon issued this brief statement:
The Tea Party Movement is not just about Republicans anymore. Get out there and defeat these radicals in their own primaries. We must limit their sacred ground and limit their comfortable ports of call. We can and will assault them from every quarter. We are a true grassroots Movement impacting both parties, tens of millions of us rising to save this beloved nation.

I am preparing myself every way possible for the blistering assault that will be directed my way. I hope and pray many of you will assist, because I sure will need it, this Movement will need it. Follow me please as we take on this crusade of striking the radical leftist in their own heartland.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Republican Candidate Donated $50,000 to Democrat Governor Campaign

It's no secret by now that the husband of Diane Gooch, Republican candidate for the NJ's 6th Congressional District, is a regular donor to Democratic campaigns.

But it appears that Diane herself has a history of supporting Democratic candidates. In 2006 she donated no less than $50,000 to Democratic Nassau County Executive Tom Souzzi, for his campaign for NY Governor. In the NY State, Diane's husband also contributed $51,000 to Souzzi as well as $10,000 to Andrew Cuomo.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Did Sam Thompson's Office Break the Law?

The law of the land is clear. You can not use a taxpayer-funded legislative office to perform ANY kind of campaign work. If you want to see how serious this is, just call Amy Handlin's office, and ask any questions about her future campaign. They'll hang up on you immediately. However, it's rumored that her running mate, Sam Thompson, is not abiding by the same ethics.

It's well-known by now Thompson's active campaigning for Scott Sipprelle in the 12th district. There have been allegations of strong-arming municipal chairmen and other candidates, and there's of course his classless performance at the convention. But new information is coming out. This is coming from sources that prefer to stay anonymous for now:
"Katz’ wife probably broke the law with her campaigning for Sipprelle from Thompson’s legislative office. Someone should OPRA those phone records and time sheets. Check out the time her emails were being sent. They were sent on state time, as I recall. Political activity on state time, from a legislative office... the Middlesex County Prosecutor should look into that."
And another one:
"I was registered to be a delegate and got a call on my cell phone about Sipprelle from someone in Assembly Thompson’s office. I will look at my incoming calls on cell phone bill."